Nine bottles of beer, one clear winner. Itewon Wars Listen the podcast
Monday, August 19, 2013

So you want to know who we are?

It's an all-star team, my friends.

Abhas Maskey
Creator, destroyer and omnipotent administrator of this pseudo website (dont ask him when the actual website opens). Has bad drinking habits (calling people whom he should'nt and peeing on his friend's neighbors varanda, for instance) although can be very likable once you get to know him (when sober) . Traditionally born into a caste who are known to drink from a young age, he seems to be in the mood to honor that culture. Currently working his ass off to get his Aerospace Engineering undergraduate degree from Seoul National University.

Johannes Hwang
The only guy in this website who seems to know what he is talking about (although we were making fun of him that he didn't actually know what craft beer was, we kid, we kid), and a guy we tend to look up to in worst of times (breakups, opposite-sex problems, throwups, financial support), he is the core of the contents of this website. He quit drinking after an event that cannot be discussed in this website, but eventually was persuaded to join the beer drinking crusade. Currently works in Samsung in the Marketing Department and thus, when you hear us say "Samsung pays", we actually mean him.  His  "For Freedom and Beer" is  one iconic line that will often hear in our podcasts.

Yun Hwan Che

Most famously known for his comment about how he would kiss Brad Pitt (we don't have the slightest clue how the topic came up in the first place) ,our Sout guy and not to mention the "nonononon, you dont understand me!" guy on our team, Yun brings out a  perspective on beer tasting that is both unique and refreshing. We have to admit that there was never a time where we regreted having a drink with soo cheers to that! Is currently taking a break from his IR stuff from SNU and is preparing to go to the army (we feel you).


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